
Saturday, November 19, 2005

Depp Doo Doo

Johnny Depp is so shocked by the riots raging through France, he's considering abandoning his home in the country. The star moved to Europe when life in Los Angeles became too violent.

He has since divided time between the two continents - but he fears France will be scarred permanently by the current troubles.

Depp chose to move to France because life seemed so simple there.

Aw, poor, poor Johnny. Now you'll have to move back to the dirty, crime-ridden, religion-forcing, free speech-impaired, right wing radicalized United States run by the fascist President Bush.

You know, life in the USA isn't perfect, but at least we know how to quell riots and enforce law & order. France should take a page out of our book for a change.

I say, let them eat croissants!


  1. at least this time the french havent gone after Jacques with madame guilotene, huh

  2. Even I think the guillotine would be a bit too over the top for Chirac, but he does deserve criticism for his bad leadership & chronic lack of action.

    Remember 2 years ago when thousands of French died during a heat wave because everyone was on
    vacation? He was as lackadaisical about that appalling death toll as he is about these riots.

    He is a lousy leader. The voters should give him le botte.

  3. This post is sooo right on!
    I have just one thing to say to celebrities who threaten to move away or who choose to move away from the Big, Bad USA: Good riddance!

  4. This is the same sort of thing that happened during the LA riots. Everyone who had, up until then, been proponents of strict gun control started calling their facist right-wing friends who were smart enough to be active NRA members.

    Depp and the rest of them are simple, bloody hypocrits.

  5. How can JDepp even consider moving back to the country that is like a little puppy. Oh, we have SOO much to learn, as per Depp.
    And he is so wise in the ways of the world, having portrayed an undercover cop, toothy pirate and scissorhanded freak.
    Don't get me wrong, I love JDepp, but I prefer he keep his greasiness in France where it belongs.

  6. These ignorant Hollywood types think that because they "play" a role in a movie, they are somehow endowed with the intelligence of the role. Please save us us from these ignormi!

  7. I love it! I can't add anything, great post!

  8. Thanks Jen, but I'd like to add an 'a' to ignorami :o)

  9. Which celebrity was just named the spokesman for some organization that he was not actually affiliated with but rather played one in a movie...
    Ah yes, Gary Sinise, disabled veterans, Forrest Gump, Lt. Dan.
    That makes no sense to me. At all.
    Hey George Clooney, want to be the spokesman for the American Medical Association?
    Hey Julia Roberts, want to shill for I don't know, United Prostitutes of America? Oh sorry, Ms. Roberts, you're right, they are called "sex-workers" now.
    My bad.

  10. I don't mind celebrities picking a charity that's close to their heart & supporting it.

    What bothers me is when they act like an expert in the field, like Leonardo DiCaprio going around lecturing us on global warming.

    If you are a bonehead, you shouldn't lecture people who are way smarter than you.
