
Friday, November 18, 2005

Cat Blog Friday

OK, now what?


  1. Only thing worse is scotch tape on the foot pads. A friend of mine once thought it was funny. Don't think the cat thought so.

  2. Cats don't appreciate the same things humans do...a strategically placed piece of tape, or when they accidentally get a string wrapped around their tails about 37 times.

  3. Haha, that's funny. Don't tell me that's your cat :D

  4. Thanks, but this is just an anonymous cat. When I post about one of my crazy cats, I always mention that it is mine.

  5. I am so glad you stopped by over at the Thornblog.
    It's fun batting things around there with the liberals that stop by from Cyberpols. I hope you will continue popping in. Your input adds a lot. Be ready to defend all you say because when Doug from Cyberpols debates, he comes with both barrells loaded.

  6. Thanks for the heads up, JD. I'll do my level best to keep those libbies in line ;-)

  7. Is that water of vodka...

    Michelle sent me

  8. That hadn't occurred to me. For kitty's sake, I hope it's water.

  9. Arrrooo,
    That was funny.Thanxs for the smile!

  10. That's great. We totally used to have a cat that did the same thing with a plastic container of crunchies. He'd only make it worse after her head got stuck when she'd try to reach in with her paws too.

  11. Along time ago, we used to have a kitty that liked to drink leftover beer from glasses. Unfortunately, this kitty didn't live long.
