
Friday, November 18, 2005

Scared Gene

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Scientists may have found a gene for fear -- a gene that controls production of a protein in the region of the brain linked with fearful responses.

The gene, known as stathmin or oncoprotein 18, is highly concentrated in the amygdala, a region of the brain associated with fear and anxiety, the researchers report in Thursday's issue of the journal Cell. Stathmin-free mice, for example, show no fear of the things mice fear routinely.

Scientists are hopeful that this research will lead to much needed treatment for fear-striken liberal Democrats who are looking for any excuse to cut and run from the war on terror.

Free stathmin suppression shots?  It sounds promising.


  1. liberal democrats are too scared to post here

  2. Or, they just post anonymously.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Oh, boy, I could use some of that when it comes to spiders and other creepy things.
    Some Dems are scared to death we might actually win in Iraq and, God forbid, reach our objectives! Oh, NOOOOOOO! I say withhold that drug and make them suffer!

  5. It's shameful when the dems allow their lust for power to overshadow their concern for the service men & women in harms way.

    Some of them don't seem to understand (or care) that the fate of our country depends on our winning this global war on terror. The Islamofascists have to be defeated. Period. No amount of appeasement will do.

  6. You'd think France would be the perfect demonstration of what appeasement gets you.

    I wish that material dialectic relativists would stop volunteering my life for their guinea-pig experiments in pandering to the desires of terrorists.

  7. I hear you V.R., but if the lefties read their history books, they wouldn't be lefties today.
