
Monday, December 12, 2005

Lost Psyche

Psyche, one of our gray tabby kittens, ran out the door very early this morning, and just took off. She and her sister, Pepper, are indoor cats, so we are concerned. We are hoping she's just hiding near by & will come home when she feels like it.


  1. Good Luck. I hope she returns!

  2. I hope she comes in soon. The 42 degree weather will probably send her home tonight.

  3. I'm afraid she can't come home because she's never been outside. And wouldn't you know she goes missing during a cold snap! It's been a pretty depressing day. We're all worried about her.

  4. It's almost 8 PM & she's still not home. I just don't know how a cat can seemingly fall off the face of the earth like this kitty did.

  5. That is good advice, Rory. We've been looking for her around the neighborhood & talking to neighbors to keep an eye out. So far, nothing, but we'll keep trying.

  6. Just stopping back by to see if there was any news...

  7. just wondering if you got your kitty back yet?

  8. No, not yet. It's been 2 days now. My daughter made some flyers & we will distribute them today.
