
Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Commie Oracle

Cuban Dictator Fidel Castro (L) predicts Schafik Handal's death by heart attack during their meeting on May 1, 2005.

Handal, a communist guerrilla commander during El Salvador's 12-year civil war, died of a heart attack yesterday at the age of 75.

A prophetic photo?

Spooky coincidence?

Now, if we could get fidel to prognosticate his own death, we'd have time to plan a proper party.


  1. Either Fidel's got the touch of death, paranormal abilities, or is a very dangerous man. hmmmmm let's see, I choose "dangerous man".

  2. Dangerous indeed. This photo just struck me as one more way I could work in a dig at the old despot. I can't pass on a gratuitous fidel insult.

  3. I am inclined to believe that Castro has the ability to "make things happen" according to his "predictions."

  4. You mean that old fossil, Castro, isn't dead yet?!?
    Please invite me to your Castro is Dead party when he dies, okay? What an awful man!

  5. You bet, j.d. That sounds like a plan.

  6. What I think is kind of funny is just how passe Castro has become. He's not the darling of the left anymore, Chavez has that singular title. And he's not the auspicious hero of the movement - that's gotta be Che.

    so, he's stuck trying to do the Vulcan Nerve Pinch on his buds.

    what a loser.

