
Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Wax Trek

The MovieLand Wax Museum in Buena Park, California is closing and will be auctioning off many of its wax figures, including the entire set of Star Trek: The Original Series.

Go here for a list of other characters and auction details.

Which wax figure would you want in your living room?


  1. OK, this comment is only relative based on the topic of Star Trek. A house across the street from me used to belong to our beloved Captain Kirk....

  2. I'm thinking Medieval Dungeon Set. That would be cool. The Terminator one would be cool in my home theatre.

  3. From Star Trek I'd pick Scotty...loved the "trouble with tribbles' episode. Otherwise George Clooney.

  4. Dear LORD I want the Terminator!! It would freak me out in the middle of the night, but that would be awesome too!
    That or one of five chandeliers.

  5. I want Jimmy Stewart from Rear Window! I will prop him up in my front window and make the neighbors think he's spying on them...

  6. Hmmm...I think one of the five chandeliers would look good in my living room :)

  7. Hmm...well, I already have a mannequin standing in my living room window, and he's SORT of a movie star (he stood in for an actor who got shot in the leg in "The Forgotten" -- I used to work for a visual effects house, so we did these weird things all the time). But if I had to choose, I might also go with the medieval dungeon set.

    Unless, that is, a lifelike replica of Orlando Bloom is available.

  8. I would want an Old Hollywood themed room and have Fred Astaire & Ginger Rogers on display.
    How VERY cool!!!

  9. I would pick Mr. Spock, myself. Luckily nobody grabbed him first.

    Surprisingly, the Terminator is tied with the medieval dungeon set and one of the 5 chandeliers...are the chandeliers made of wax too? How does that work?

    rgmb: lucky! did you ever meet the Shat man?

    wendy: LOL! the Osmonds would scare me...the idea of all those teeth gnashing away at night...too creepy.

    jen: too funny! Your neighbors aren't entertaining murderous thoughts, are they?

    Here's to everyone getting what they wished for...

  10. Cube, no. I'm a post Shat resident of this neighborhood. His home is a lovely little tudor cottage with a sweet family of four as the current owners. Many times I've wondered at what stage in his career he was at the time of his dwelling here. I suppose I could always go to City Hall and check out the deeds going back to his ownership, but that would require effort which I'm not inclined to engage in.

  11. Thanks. I was just curious.
