
Thursday, April 27, 2006

Dressed Dogs

It's becoming common to see dogs dressed-up in elaborate outfits, but this story out of Pittsburgh is very strange indeed. Police found a dead dog dressed in blue jeans, a T-shirt, socks, tennis shoes and a baseball cap on the rear porch of a home on Monday in the Stanton Heights neighborhood.

The dog, apparently a boxer-pit bull mixed breed that neighbors said was named Pimpin', was dressed after it had been killed.

What a world, huh?


  1. Very weird.

    Since the dog's name was Pimpin', I thought maybe he was killed in a drive-by shooting.

  2. I don't know about you, but I have trouble feeling sympathy for a person who would name a dog "Pimpin". Drive-by shooting sounds about right.

  3. I mean that is just not the right cut for the dog in the pic, makes its hips look totally fat:)

  4. I don't like dogs dressed as people, whether they be slightly alive or mostly dead.
    Those Weimaraners dressed as people, ooh, heebie jeebies.
