
Friday, April 28, 2006

Next Time, DiGiorno

From the Smoking Gun website comes this story about a Domino's delivery man in Pennsylvania who used a 1983 Buick stationwagon to transport corpses to funeral parlors when he wasn't using the vehicle to deliver pizzas.

Get this: a police check with local health officials determined that the use of the car for cadavers and pizzas did not violate county ordinances, but driving with a suspended license and operating a vehicle without an inspection certificate got the driver $400 in fines.

They're doing wonders with frozen pizzas nowadays... DiGiorno anyone?


  1. UGH. That is not appetizing.

  2. I think I just had a little verp reading this.

  3. jessey: oh yeah.

    sar: verp? what is this verp of which you speak?

  4. Whoaaaaaaaaa no special slices for me thanks...UGH

  5. There are way too many specific regulations as it is -- having one that addresses the car-used-for-both-corpses-and-pizzas crime woudl be a bit much.

    "Can I have that with extra cheese, pepperoni, and human flesh?"

    -- david

  6. This sounds like something out of a zombie movie... pizza and braaains!

  7. God forbid the deliveries get mixed up.

    "I ordered a large pepperoni! Not a dead grandma. Oh this sucks!"
