
Friday, April 28, 2006

Say What?

Out of comes this infuriating story about an anything-for-a-buck British music producer, Adam Kidron, who came up with a Spanish-language version of the U.S. national anthem.

I have a news flash for Mr. Kidron and all the illegal immigrants out there:

Assimilate or shut up!

The "Star Spangled Banner" should be sung in English. Period. Anything else is insulting and will surely cause a backlash among Americans across the nation.


  1. It's just the Brits trying to mess with America again. It didn't work in 1776 with muskets and redcoats so they're trying again with a Spanish version of the national anthem.

    Let's do an Arabic "God Save the Queen" but instead of Save, we'll change it to "God, Please Make A Variety of Burqa Outfits Available and Compulsory to Wear For The Queen, That Infidel Harlot! I Saw A Pasty Ankle! Stone Her!!"

    It's, like, just a reinterpretation.

  2. You know me and my usual stances, but I have to say, this really doesn't make sense. As Spock would say, it's illogical.

    And where's the cat post? You're making a liar out of me (see my post today).

  3. jessey: Let's do it. And while we're at it, make one up for the French.

    sar: time to get new eyeglasses.

  4. Sheesh no quiero cantar en espanol ok??Good Lawd..what next..the Dec of Ind en espanol?!!!

  5. Jessey is FUNNY! The "pasty ankle" slayed me!!

    When you come to America, you don't lose your heritage, but you DO become AMERICAN. That's the way it's supposed to be anyway. Hrrrumph!

  6. I thought Boycott Monday was some Commie worker holiday. As for me, I hate shopping, but on Boycott Monday I plan to shop, shop, shop!
    It's my civic duty.

  7. Yes, the lyrics are very different. That is my biggest problem with it.

  8. What I've heard was bad enough. I don't want to know what the lyrics say. Honestly, I don't care.

    The National Anthem should be sung in English. It isn't their anthem, it is ours. We make the call.

  9. It turns out the song's producer Adam Kidron is not Hispanic at all. Indeed, he's from a very interesting family. He was born in England, where his father, Michael Kidron, was a famous Marxist theoretician and his uncle, the late "Tony Cliff," was the leader of the largest Trotskyite party in Britain, the Socialist Workers Party or SWP.

    There's a lot of amusing information on Kidron's background at:

  10. steve: I knew he was a Brit, but I only suspected he was a commie. Thanks for the info!

  11. I also plan to shop til I drop today. I might buy a new bed and perhaps a carpet steam cleaner. You know, drop a grand or so, that'll show those illegal immigrants.
    Of course, I won't be able to get any good Mexican food while out shopping. Oh well.

    Cube: Do the French have a national anthem? I thought they just used Cheap Trick's "Surrender"
