
Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Such Generosity

Iranian women will be allowed to attend soccer matches for first time since the country's 1979 Islamic revolution, Iran's president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said in a decree posted on his Web site Monday.

The article goes on to say, "Women would sit in separate sections of the stand, away from the usually raucous male fans."

I guess even ruthless, bloodthirsty lunatics have a good side.



  1. I'm surprised theyre not usin them as goalies so they can get their faces smashed in...alla sudden theyre concerned about their women? yea right.

  2. Soccer?!

    Err, is this supposed to be a reward or a punishment?

    Will they force women to go?

  3. woman: don't give them any ideas.

    caz: heh heh. I'd much rather play soccer than watch it.

  4. I don't understand why the women don't revolt en masse. Sure the men would kill some of the women, but the can't kill them all. I think I'd rather die than live like that.

  5. Isn't it in soccer stadiums where countries like Iran publically execute people?
    I wish someone would take this guy OUT!

  6. Crazy...seperate those poor women so the overenthusiastic males won't be tempted! Oh brother...what century is this anyway? :O

  7. That's exactly what I thought, WomanHonorThyself!

    Pretty soon, those mullahs would be burying them up to their heads underneath the grass and launching soccer balls at them.
