
Monday, April 24, 2006

Suspicious Ties

Pulitzer Prize winning Dana Priest is married to William Goodfellow. William Goodfellow is the Executive Director of the the Center for International Policy (CIP). Go to America's Red Army to see how the CIP is co-mingling with the ultra-liberal, anti-war organization, Win Without War, which in turn has ties to

If this doesn't make you ask questions about media bias of the extreme liberal kind, then I don't know what will.

[The BLOG note: credit to and for a heads up on this article.]


  1. So media is no exception from the likes of politics?
    Do you really mean to tell us we do not get told all sides to each story, no neutral reporting?
    I am shocked to my very core ;)

  2. It would seem that Pulitzer Prize winners keep getting caught at their own game!

    (As with the LA Times journalist & his sock-puppertry on blogs.)

    Makes you wonder what they all have in common, other than their Prize.

  3. When you consider that Dana Priest was given classified information by the recently fired CIA leaker, Mary McCarthy, the situation grows even stinkier.

    These journalists aren't just reporting news, they have an agenda. They are manipulating events behind the scenes towards that agenda.

  4. hmmm...there seems to be something wrong with the comment counter on this post.

  5. I agree on the agenda, but I won't attack her marriage as the cause. After all, Carville and Matalin married and folks didn't immediately accuse her of liberal idiocy as a result.

    -- david

  6. Matalin is a highly principled person. Unfortunately the same can't be said of everybody. Case in point: Wilson & Plame.

  7. America's "Imperialist Wars"?!...o man..I've heard enuf Cube...grr!

  8. Funny how Mary McCarthy, the CIA leaker who leaked to Dana Priest, used to work with Sandy "Burglar" Berger and Joe Wilson. It just keeps getting stinkier & stinkier.
