
Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Compare & Contrast

Radio talk show host Laura Ingraham has a funny feature on her website entitled Separated At Birth that tackles the question of who (or what) is Nancy Pelosi's lookalike...

Laura left off my choice... Gloria Swanson playing the aging actress, Nora Desmond.

What are the odds that they both had the same plastic surgeon?


  1. You're right cube, Laura got the eyes but forgot the eyebrows.

  2. You mean Pelosi has been surgically altered to look like that?


    By her choice?

    /shudder/ /shudder/

  3. The bush baby is too cute, and the runaway bride is much too sane. I guess I'd have to go with Marty.

    Her eyes resemble that guy's who led the Heaven's Gate whackos.

  4. Its not the appearance that frightens me Cube..its the actions..and Lord have mercy if she ever acts!

  5. woman: agreed. Let's never give her a chance to 'Speak' in the House.

  6. Holy crap! Soon, her eyebrows are going to be just a low hairline at the top of her scalp.

  7. OMG! that woman looks eternally constipated. People who look like that in my line of work get a huge amount of laxatives and be done with it...scary stuff!

  8. eyes: nooooo, the bush baby is too cute. She isn't.
