
Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Lax Morals

First a mom in Maine helps two girls bake cookies laced with laxatives to get even with a teacher

and now we hear about two teens in Arizona who tainted their teacher's tea with laxatives.

We are living in some wicked times.


  1. 'smooth move ex-lax' would be well placed here.

    did you have that saying when you were kids?

  2. I think parents like that have a special placed reserved in hell along with the cheerlealding mom. Way to raise your kids folks!

  3. kyahgirl: I don't remember that, but it did make me think about modern jingles like Make Your Colon's Day, or The Colonic Blowinator.

    rgmb: bad parenting seems to be on the rise.

    sarah-jean: I know.

  4. "Smoth move ex-lax" has been around longer than I have, at least I remember my older sisters saying it to me when I was but a wee lad...

  5. My mom did this to her home ec teacher, way back in the day (she graduated in '67, so some time before that.) But, I can guarantee you that she would NOT have been able to enlist the aid of Grandma in this nefarious act. I can't believe the mom helped the girls do this!

    But, remember those girls who got sued for leaving cookies on their neighbor's doorstep? It's not like kids these days have any reason to want to try to be nice, either...

  6. That mom is a stellar example of maturity.

  7. When I was 9 I broke my arm and someone wrote "Smooth Move Ex-Lax" on my cast. So I had to walk around with that on my arm for months.
    That sucked.
    I'm still damaged.

  8. sheesh Cube, I mus really be outta the loop..I never even heard of it!..shame on them ..ack!

  9. woman: Usually I'm really good about remembering stuff like this. I think there is some deep, dark secret surrounding my Ex Lax mental block...

  10. jessey: oh, that incident explains a lot ;-)

  11. I still want to know what the teacher "did" to these little twerps.

    Once was the time that "getting even" with a teacher meant mum or dad going up to the school for a, er, "soothing" chat with said teacher. Ah, the good old days.
