
Friday, May 19, 2006

Public Service?

From The New York Times comes word that Bill Clinton plans to write a book about activism and service, to be published by Alfred A. Knopf sometime late next year or early in 2008.

The new book will cover the work of the Clinton Foundation, the nonprofit group the president set up to work on issues including AIDS, poverty, women's empowerment and religious and racial reconciliation.

Hey Bubba, if you really wanted to do some good service for America, you would say
good bye to public service.

Just go away.

Leave, already.




  1. I'd rather see him out quietly writing books than supporting Shrillary on the campaign trail!!!

    I don't think I could take another President Clinton. (Or would she go back to Rodham Clinton? Either way.) That creeps me out worse than the baby clown...

  2. On a talk show I listen to they were talking about the possibility of the Presidential line going:

    GHW Bush
    GW Bush
    Jeb Bush

    What then? Roger Clinton? Billy Bush? The line sort of ends...but still...
    Yikes! 30 plus years of flip-flop dynasties...I can't take it.

  3. I don't think this country can survive another Billary administration. It is a nightmare scenario.

  4. Good Lord sayonaraaaaaaaa!...waving! he gone yet?..writing a book?! pathetic does it get?.mebbe Atilla the Hun wrote a book too?

  5. Religious reconciliation? huh?

  6. *Shudder*

    Bill Clinton: Another idiot who just doesn't know when to shut up.

  7. Really, haven't you done enough?

  8. Since we live in AR, we visited Bill's Pres. Library in Little Rock. Funny, there was not a single photo of Monica to be found, and I had to search to find the word "impeached" anywhere on the premises.
    I must say though, that I like Bill much better out of office than in office.

  9. j.d.: wow! you actually went to the Clinton Lie-brary & Trailer Massage Parlor?

    BTW it's nice to have you back.

  10. Jessey, that was the most terrifying dagwood sandwich I've ever seen!!

    As for Bill and the Grey Lady, they also just published that he and Hill spend on average 14 days a month together. So even if she's in, he's not.


  11. Dagwood, derwood... it's a sandwich which can't be allowed to exist. The U.S. would not survive another Billary administration.

    BTW I wouldn't be able to survive 14 minutes around either one of them in a month...
