
Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Terror Aid

Saw this on and it was too good. I just had to pass it along.


  1. AS disgusting as it is, so far it looks like they are getting away with it.

    The treason, I mean. On the part of the NYT.


  2. I think the best way to deal with this is to discredit the NY Times often & have their readership dwindle more & more, while at the same time going after the leakers in the government.

    Dollars to doughnuts, it's a holdover from the Clinton years.

  3. This cartoon just makes me mad all over again.
    I am royally pissed at the Terror Times for their betrayal in a time of war. I would be equally as pissed no matter who was in office, Dem or Repub. The thing is, I don't think the story would have been printed when Clinton was in office. They are obviously out to get Bush in any way they can, even if it puts Americans in danger.
    They should be publically flogged!

  4. That's the long and short of it, JD!

    ANYTHING to get Bush!

  5. when are they bein prosecuted thats what I wanna know!

  6. I doubt you could prosecute the NY Slimes, but it sure would be nice if we could catch the leakers in the government & give them some prison time for their treachery.
