
Tuesday, June 13, 2006


From Mary Katherine Hall comes this excellent article Setting The Record Straight On Haditha which lists the Top 3 things to remember about Haditha that the press would like you to forget.

This is an eyeopener for everyone who still counts on the MSM for their news because, when it comes to America and the U.S. military, they are incapable of giving us the benefit of the doubt until the facts become known.

Hall closes with this paragraph, "The mainstream media spent a couple of weeks throwing around the "cold blood" and "maybe murder" stories. Now that they're backtracking, it's our job to make sure new corrections and less damning facts don't get lost in the corner of page two".

I know I'll watch for these corrections... and watch and watch...


  1. great post Cube..sickening isnt it..nowwwwwwwww that the damage is done they are goin to retract!..UGH!!

  2. I am so annoyed at how this story is being played in the news. I am not surprised, though, but I am still spitting mad over the fact that those serving in Iraq are not given the "innocent until proven guilty" standard that most liberals usually wallow in.
    Most libs bend over backwards to try and defend terrorists caught on the battlefield. They squawk about us not having evidence to prove them guilty, and that we have no right to detain them without due process.

    The double standard is sickening.

    These are the same libs who set child rapists free after a slap on the wrist. But, if some of our soldiers MAY have overreacted or acted wrongly, these people want them hung from the public square.

    I'll shut up now.

  3. Cube interesting post,the damage
    is done then a retraction. Makes
    you sick.

  4. woman: thanks. I'm glad to spread the word.

    j.d.: don't shut up. you're right. the double standard is sickening. we've got to hold these journalists' feet to the fire over this.

  5. I'm still pissed about how the military get sent into a war zone to do a dirty job that nobody else can or will do and then they get charged with crimes afterwards.

    Talk about double standards.

    It's plain to see that the words and half-arsed research attempts of the MSM are really straightening the world out - NOT!!

  6. Kill people... But be nice about it?


  7. I'm sure you'll see those corrections/retractions about the same tgime you see Patrick Kennedy serve time for his late-night DUI incident.

    -- david

  8. Jamie said it well.

    Good post cube!

  9. This correction will run right below the correction on the Israelis killing those beachgoers last week.


  10. Cube,

    I've posted the townhall column with a h/t to you. Thanks.

  11. david & bw: sounds about right.

    elmer's bro: good. the more people read it, the better.
