
Thursday, June 08, 2006

Zarqawi Is Toast

Ding dong Zarqawi's dead...

...most certifiably.


  1. Taken completely out of context by me, but appropriate as an epitaph and footnote in history to his life.

    "Hell has enlarged its throat and opened it mouth wide beyond measure."

  2. Why not put some deviled ham on that toast?

  3. elmer's bro: with a side order of bacon ;-)

    wendy: abu musab al zarqawi was the most wanted terrorist in Iraq.
    Ironically, the prophet muhammad also died on june 8th (in 632 AD).

  4. And although this is vindictive, I think his remains should be stitched into a pig’s carcass and left to rot in the sun. No way should he be buried in earth with the remains of those that he helped to kill mercilessly.

  5. I like the picture of him u caught..lolz.wonder whats waitin for him..ahem..on the Other side?..72 what?

  6. anonymous: don't hold back. Tell us what you really think ;-)

    woman: 72 little piglets if I had a say.

  7. cube, if only they'd presented that picture at the press conference this morning! I was hoping they'd show a photo with facial parts strewn all over the place. Like it would've been really cool if General Caldwell had held up a small piece of Zarqawi's nose or something.

    Oh, and I hear there's a severe shortage of you-know-whats in the afterlife now. I think Zarqawi may have to settle for 72 ladies who were drunk and didn't really mean to.

  8. This has a certain irony to it. According to a BBC article, it was the militant extremist's Islamist "spiritual adviser" Heikh Abd-al-Rahman, that finally led to the location of this cold blooded murder.

  9. I did a HAPPY DANCE this morning when I learned the news! Hooray!!!!!
    It's great to be able to blog again. I've been pretty much shut out for two days. Blogger wouldn't let me visit others or read my own comments. I must have done something to annoy it. Since it's working for me now, I guess I must have somehow gotten back into Blogger's good favor.
    The only thing I wish is that he would have felt extreme terror and then extreme pain before dying. He has caused innocent people to face pure horror at his hands, and I don't think it is fair that he died quickly.
    But... I'll take what I can get!! He is dead, and we can rejoice in that.

  10. with a face that messed up those virgins had better be drunk

  11. j.d.: Blogger has been buggy for 2 days. Let's hope they've fixed the problem.

    BTW zarqawi was alive when our guys got to him. He even tried to roll off the stretcher so before he died he knew we got him.

  12. cube: I'd heard that he was still alive. I did some thumbnail calcs, and how the HECK did that cockroach live after 2 500pound bombs were dropped on his house? Good G-d!


  13. Cockroach is right. He didn't live for long, but I'm glad he lived long enough to know we got him ;-)

  14. Anonymous,
    I think his remains should be stitched into a pig’s carcass and left to rot in the sun. No way should he be buried in earth with the remains of those that he helped to kill mercilessly.

    Works for me. After all, Z liked to saw off the heads of infidels.

    Well, he's in hell now, along with Muhammad the Pedophile.

  15. Speaking of virgins, I think I see the Virgin Mary in that toast...
    I mean...miraculous!
