
Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Doggie Thong

Flat-D Innovations, a company in Cedar Rapids, Iowa that specializes in flatulence odor control products is offering a thong for dogs that claims to neutralize gassy discharges, according to this Local 6 News report.

The Dogone -- a Dog Gas Neutralizing Pad claims to be the least intrusive means for deodorizing pet discharges.

In case you're curious, the thong is made with charcoal cloth and has tail hole for the animals and elastic straps for flexibility.



  1. Oh. Well, Uhmmm - next post, please...

  2. and i care about this because...

    now, if they make something for chicken farts let me know!

  3. I am not going to say what that tail looked like on first glance. What will they come up with next?
    Have a wonderful day!
    (=':'=) meow hugs
    (")_ (")Š from da Raggedy one

  4. Some people will buy anything. Who's going to chase the aminal to try to put in on?

  5. Can I get one for my hubby! HAHAHAHA!

    Seriously, if the gas is that bad, try feeding him a different brand of dog food, or boiled rice+chicken...

    My mom had a rottweiler that had HORRIBLE gas unless she was fed Eukanuba dog food. :)

  6. nanc: How 'bout that...I didn't know chickens farted. BTW I still haven't seen photos of your chickadees ;-)

    raggedy: Whew. I'm glad you kept it to yourself ;-)

    jill: there's a sucker born every minute...and even more often sometimes.

    brooke: I tried Eukanuba with my Shepherd, but the food she likes best is Pedigree. So we're stuck with her silent but deadly attacks.
    Luckily, she doesn't do it all the time.

  7. They should make something like
    that for humans,i've had 8 dogs
    in my life time don't remember
    any of them farting.

  8. My dogs have always farted. But I also think they'd reach around and rip this thing off faster than you could say "Who put beans in that dog's food?"

    -- david

  9. michelle: I've noticed it more with larger dogs. Humans must employ the old-fashioned method: sphincter control ;-)

    david: exactly. Maybe even faster than that ;-)

  10. Oh good heavens. I don't know what to say...

  11. true story - a few months ago our pastor slipped a little blurb into the sermon about the five things you'll never hear a woman say and the last thing was, "please pull my finger!" welllllllll, the next time i had the opportunity to converse with him, i said, "hey shannon? please pull my finger!" he about fell on the floor - that's a badnanc!

  12. nanc: hee hee. You go, girl!

  13. eyes: it was good stuff. I'm glad it's making the rounds.

  14. This is crazy! What next? Never mind. I don't want to know.

  15. Ahhh, imagine the fun cleaning up after Fido craps in that thing!


  16. OMG I'm having one of those Eureka moments... why not make those niqabs out of the same charcoal based materials as the Doggie Thongs. That way, those poor Moslem women can eat whatever they want without that tell-tale food stink. Think about it. It might just work.

  17. Good grief!
    They should make these for people too. :)
