
Wednesday, July 12, 2006

World Cup Winners

Not that I'm into watching soccer, but I just thought this photo of Italian aircrafts spreading the national colors during a fly-over at Pratica di Mare airport, heralding the arrival of the 2006 FIFA World Cup victorious Italian soccer team was pretty cool.


  1. wait a minute, is that an illegal head-butt I see that plane making toward the con-trails?

  2. what do you expect when the con-trails made fun of its mother ;-)

  3. I will give them this: When they wish to show patriotism, they do not allow anyone to tell them when to stop...

  4. Yeah, I dislike the socialist Italian government only marginally less than I hate the socialist French government. Oy, Europe is a mess.

  5. Yeah, Cube.

    Let em' have their moment, I say. After all, they've got that city that's been flooded forever, and that tower that's falling over... AND they have to provide security to the Pope!
