
Thursday, July 27, 2006

Material Throne

From comes this riduculous story about the germophobic Madonna's demands that a new toilet seat be installed every night at every venue where she performs.

The toilet seat must be wrapped in plastic so her people can open it, and then she demands it be disposed of immediately after she leaves the venue so no one can sell it on eBay.

What is next?

Disposable toilet seats for her cat, Zippy Kaballah?

Oh, Margaret!


  1. Actually I'd be more afraid of catching cooties from that walking petrie dish than vice versa. Sheesh.

  2. ROTFLMAO!!! You've got THAT right! Who would specifically seek out a Madonna used toilet seat, anyway? You'd have to be one sick puppy to take pleasure in *ahem* going where Madonna went.

  3. What? She's too good to squat like the rest of us? : )

    Actually if I could afford it, I'd want to do the same thing. Public toilets, women are the WORST, totally skeeve me.
    I'm so skeeved by them that occassionally they invade my subconscious mind in the form of nightmares.

  4. cube, just looked again at kitty on crapper and aren't cats the most amazing animals? This cat is absolutely indignant that her/his privacy is being abused. Dogs on the otherhand are happy and proud to do it in the middle of the road.

  5. pkakakakakak - it's only thursday for crying out loud!

  6. ROFL! how spiritual she iz..must be the demonssssssssss she's fraid of eh?..grinz

  7. I think that is a horrible waste of money. I do not find it funny or entertaining. Think of the charities she could help instead of this quirk...
    It sounds so stupid to me! She just moved a whole bunch of notches down for me...

    Have a wonderful day!
    (=':'=) meow hugs
    (")_ (")Š from da Raggedy one

  8. Eew. I mean, I was a grunt in the USMC and the services weren't always the best, but who would want to even HANDLE something that thing sat on? (Madonna, not the cat)


    Cube - reminder - tomorrow is Friday, you know, red shirt to support the troops...

  9. I dunno - Madonna is running a bit behind the "A Crowd" on this one. Many others have had this demad before her. Bet she's furious she didn't think of it first though.

    BTW - I have met and seen many a bashful dog, who won't do their business with people watching. One has to pretend that one is looking off into the distance, as if there is "nothing to see here" before some pooches will do what they need to do. Their little embarrassed, concerned faces are so sad.

  10. rgmb: I must have one of the shy dogs that Caz mentioned because she does have that stricken look when someone is watching.

    nanc: a double dose this week. Sorry...

    raggedy: it's her money, but the material moron can't drop any further on my scale.

    cary: I agree. She is the cootie monster.

    caz: see above. My dog is one of the bashful ones.

    eyes: eccentricity could be a result of having too much money. She certainly isn't the only one.

  11. i read somewhere here awhile back - that's suthun for i cannot remember when - that jennifer lopez had to have a jewel encrusted porcelain bus seat for her junk-in-the-trunk hind end! the cost was around ten grand if i'm not mistaken. sure hope it makes the experience better as they sit there literally crappin' their brains out - yikes! tmi!

  12. Well, I suppose my dreams of completing my Madonna collection have just been flushed down the toilet :(

  13. What a nut case! That really is beyond ridiculous.
    I've read about other celebrities' demands. Some are just as silly. WHO do these people think THEY are????????

  14. Yep, it's pretty outrageous.
