
Thursday, July 13, 2006

Mysterious Allah Egg

From Reuters comes this story about a chicken in a Kazakh village that has laid an egg with the word "Allah" inscribed on its shell.

No, you can't make this stuff up.


  1. I suppose if we can have Virgin Mary Grilled Cheese, they're allowed some Allah eggs...

  2. Allah came from a chicken's butt?

  3. This is an excerpt taken from the article
    "We'll keep this egg and we don't think it'll go bad."
    --Would we expect anything less from an egg named Allah?

  4. I'd like to see this egg. The article said it was laid after a powerful hail storm. Why, I'll bet it's chicken poop.

  5. O gosh i can just imagine the responses to this!

  6. Let me guess...they plan on selling it on ebay?

  7. well, if that's the rooster that laid the egg, then no wonder...if i had a rooster that laid eggs why i'd be wealthy(er)!

    however, my rooster would lay eggs that say, "bock-bock-bock!"

  8. I'm sure that chicken violated some tenet of that insane religion. I wonder if they stoned the chicken later.

  9. Yep you can go a lot of directions
    with that story.Allah is a yoke,i mean joke.
    I'll leave it at that.

  10. "Why I bet it's chicken poop"
    Eggsactly cube!

  11. This is a story which cries out for clever puns & you all have outdone yourselves.

    nanc: I know you are in the know about chickens & know this photo is a rooster. I'm in awe of your chickenology. Really I am. Believe me when I say I just wanted a photo of a fowl that
    conveyed... WTF? So forgive me.

    tlm: I'm just guessing, but I think the chicken was genitally disfigured, and then killed.

    michelle: LOL! I think you are onto something.

    yhtak: Thank you for your support, even if it is based upon chicken poop ;-)

  12. *slams head into desk*

    OK, I'm ready to comment... No, wait.

    *slams head into desk again*

    Kind of like the Allah fish, huh?

    Say, why aren't there any pics of the egg?

  13. Hey... I wonder if these idiots are related to the "Virgin Mary" on the grilled cheese sandwich folks?

  14. Best Picture you've EVER had on this blog. I'm slightly biased, of course.


  15. brooke: I don't think they're related, but these cases are happening more and more. You can't swing a dead cat without hitting a food-related religious artifact.

    birdwoman: I'm glad you approve. I love the expression on the he's saying, "whatchoo looking at?"
