
Friday, September 15, 2006

Cat Blog Friday

For this Cat Blog Friday...

...a cat and it's duck buddy.

All together now... Awwwwwww!

Happy Friday, everybody!

[The BLOG note: this is dedicated to my blog buddies who lurve ducks. You know who you are ;-)]


  1. That is just sooo cute Cubeee...
    Caz will be rapt when she sees that pic.
    Well done mate!!

  2. So whaddya reckon Nanc.. Don't ya reckon it's a cute pic eh.. mate?

  3. I think nanc will only like 1/2 of this photo. Instead of a pkak, we'll get a pk ;-)

  4. Heh Heh Heh Heh Heh ..
    Ain't no flies on you Nanc!!

  5. That kitten is me smacking down Mr. Ducky, my persistent troll. LOL.

  6. aow - ROFLMAO! - that's all of us collectively smacking the plucky one around!

  7. That is awfully cute, but until I see photos of the aftermath I'm not sure I believe the kitty is "petting" the duck. I've had too many dead birds spread around my carpets not to wonder...

    Happy Friday!

  8. We haven't seen much of Ducky this week, have we?

    The kitty is TOO CUTE! It makes me want to rush out and get another! (I'm controlling myself right now!)

  9. It does look suspiciously like a tenderizing exercise to me.

  10. Initially, I thought this photo was so very cute, but after reading your comments, I've taken another look at it.

    Now I do see the terror in that little duck's eye as it sits helplessly below the cat's paw.

    Oh, the duck-anity!

    I can only hope the photographer was quick to grab it from the kitten.
