
Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Conspiracy Theories

This is getting tedious, but...

*Yet Another Stupid Chavez Comment Alert*

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez recently revealed that it isn't absurd to believe that the Twin Towers could have been dynamited, "A building never collapses like that, unless it's with an implosion," Chavez told supporters.

Read the rest of his absurd remarks at Theory that U.S. orchestrated Sept. 11 attacks 'not absurd': Venezuela

I would like to send Chavez a copy of "Debunking 9/11 Myths: Why Conspiracy Theories Can't Stand Up To Facts" by the editors of Popular Mechanics, John McCain, David Dunbar, and Brad Reagan...

...but I'm afraid the cretin doesn't know how to read.


  1. unreal...*shakes head
    I can't believe people can believe such nonsense..
    Have a wonderful day!
    (=':'=) hugs
    (")_ (")Š from da Cool Raggedy one

  2. Unfortunately there will always be morons like Chavez around who will believe this utter garbage Cube.

    Even if the dummy COULD read it would make no difference.There are some people so full of hatred and jealousy that they only see what THEY want to see.

    The popular mechanics article IS an excellent one btw.

  3. I just checked that book out a couple of weeks ago--GREAT stuff. The editors do a fantastic job of breaking down each myth ... and also explaining the attraction of conspiracy theories.

    -- david

  4. raggedy: I hear ya. You'd think in this day & age people would have more sense.

    qq: Absolutely. People who shunned math & sciences classes shouldn't be trusted with this stuff.

    BTW nice of you to stop by ;-)

    kathy: Morons, besotted by jealousy & hatred shouldn't be running countries. That's a scary scenario.

    david: Saw the article and the book is definitely on my To Read list.

  5. I would suggest that Chavez watch Screw Loose Change.


  6. brooke: what is Screw Loose Change?
