
Friday, October 20, 2006

Clever Ads

A print of a cup of Folgers coffee was placed on top of manhole covers in New York City, USA. Holes on the print allows the steam to come out. Wordings around the cup reads 'Hey, City That Never Sleeps. Wake up." from Folgers.

See more clever ads here .


  1. Wow, has Blogger been buggy today or what?

  2. It sure has. I hope this makes it through!

    Those are all very clever! I like the yoga straw! LOL!

  3. Those were cool. I'd like to see that "The Maid" movie, it looks good and creepy!

  4. brooke: yay, you got through!

    jen: I love creepy horror movies. One of the reasons why I love October. Seems like there are horror movie marathons all over the place :-)

    eyes: yes, very clever. they certainly beat the HEAD ON - APPLY DIRECTLY TO THE FOREHEAD ads ;-)

  5. The coffee one is amongst the best, indeed, very clever. The other one I especially like is the recruitment company one - took me a few seconds to appreciate; a very creative concept.

  6. perhaps i am not appreciative of high art advertising, but what i see in this message... "this coffee smells like sh**" (who wants their coffee to have sewer steam rising off of it?)
    going to check out more ads, perhaps i can feel even more provincial.

  7. Very clever advertising, indeed!

    Helloooooo, blog buddy. It is good to read you again!!

  8. dak: hey, it's good to hear from you again!

    Maybe I'm wrong, but I think it's just steam coming out of the manhole covers. Nothing smelly, otherwise it would be gross.

  9. j.d.: good, no, great to hear from you!! I know you're busy, but it's nice to touch base once in a while.

  10. yeah, sure, but what does it smell like?

  11. How cool is that. Would that burn?

  12. woman: No, decaf is bad. Very bad. Decaf is a waste of the finest organic suspension ever devised.

    BTW the word verification is
    cazwac. Funny, eh?
