
Wednesday, January 31, 2007


A biting piece about Hill's "merciless, unapologetic, chisel-eyed" pursuit of power and political transformation by Jan Moir

Whom Does Hillary Think She's Fooling?

Here's a juicy tidbit: "Everything Mrs Clinton now does and says is a deliberate political statement, from the honey streaks in her hairdo to the girly pinks she chooses to camouflage herself in, although the effect of the latter is unconvincing: think killer shark prowling the shallows in a party frock."

Moir does have a way with words and she doesn't mince any here.


  1. she is one frightening she got this far is beyondddddddddd me Cube!

  2. good, because if there's one thing i do not like - it's minced hitlery! i much prefer her pureed with a sprig of mint for the bad taste she leaves wherever she trods.

  3. Who does she think she's fooling? I tell 'ya, the fact that she allowed herself to be cuckolded and didn't dump Bill says volumes about her marriage: One of convenience.

    He'll do her more harm than good; no one wants that disreputable pair back in the White House.

    And the whole first woman pres? Puh-lease. Of course, you will have morons who vote for her simply because she's a female, but using sex as a qualification?

    Bad move, bad form!

  4. What's she eating? It looks good...

  5. woman: Never underestimate the power of large groups of stoopid people.

    nanc: It would take more than a sprig to take away the bad taste. Perhaps a bush... a Jeb Bush ;-)

    brooke: Given an honest election, I don't think she stands a chance. But I wouldn't put it past her to try & steal it.

    I don't know what it is, but I would love to see her eat crow.

  6. This blatant, glaring attempt at a softer side is pissing me off! It is SO obviously contrived.
    Why can't she just be the MAN that she is, and let the chips fall where they may? :)
    I suppose you heard that she LOVES to clean closets. She also admits to darning socks, swabbing toilets, and cleaning grout with a toothbrush in her spare time.

  7. brooke? i hear she likes to eat a MANwich every once in awhile...

  8. "think killer shark prowling the shallows in a party frock"

    Oh, that's priceless. Beautiful stuff.

    Will your fellow Americans ... or, firstly, your Democrats ... really put this facade of a woman up as their presidential nominee, and then would your fellow Americans really vote for a fraud?

    We expect a bit of frou-frou from pollies, but an entire pretend personality; an entire pretend agenda? Surely people couldn't possibly fall / vote for that?

  9. j.d.: hogwash, indeed.


  10. It will be incredibly interesting to watch how Hillary tries to give herself a complete makeover in order to get average Americans to stomach her.
    It will make for GREAT posts at your blog!!

  11. cube - pop over for a look at a better candidate, IMHO.
