
Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Speed Blinker

I watched the State of the Union speech on FOX News Channel last night, but the folks at B&C Beat blog made an interesting observation about Speaker Pelosi and Vice President Cheney's blinking patterns:

"What was worth commenting on, however, was the contrast in blinks per minute between Pelosi and Cheney. While Pelosi clocked a good 25-30 blinks per minute, Cheney barely mustered 3 or 4."

It made me think of another sobriquet for the Speaker... Nancy Hyperlosi.


  1. I did not bring myself to watch it, but I heard one of the callers on Glenn Beck mention that this morning!

    She could just be really dried out...

  2. i've only seen liars or people who wear contacts blink like this. could be a combination of the two? cheney wears spectacles. who knows?

  3. Wild! That would really bug me. I've always read that increased blinking can be a sign that a person is lying to you...

  4. brooke: dried out. lol. oh, you mean her eyes ;-)

    nanc & jen: probably contacts because she's too vain to wear glasses.

    The lying comes in when she must smile during the President's speech.

  5. The average number of blinks per minute ranges from 10 up to 25. There's a ton of discrepancy.

    I find Pelosi's bony face scary.

  6. lol...hyper everything as long as it Anti American eh?

  7. phoenix: I watched the SOTU speech. Hyperlosi's hyperblinking was hyperweird.

  8. Cube: No, I didn't mean her eyes! ;D

  9. Her blinking is curious. As everyone has noted, rapid blinking is frequently a signifier of lying (but not always; it can be medical, it can be nerves, and so on).

    In this instance, given that she wasn't doing any of the talking, merely on onlooker, perhaps the only thing we can read into it is that she is one very, very, very uptight women.
