
Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Heroes & Coward

Alicia Colon's excellent piece in the NY SUN Heroes & Cowards is worth reading. I hate to say, "It's a must read," but it really is...

Here's a clip:

"The total military dead in the Iraq war between 2003 and this month stands at about 3,133. This is tragic, as are all deaths due to war, and we are facing a cowardly enemy unlike any other in our past that hides behind innocent citizens. Each death is blazoned in the headlines of newspapers and Internet sites. What is never compared is the number of military deaths during the Clinton administration: 1,245 in 1993; 1,109 in 1994; 1,055 in 1995; 1,008 in 1996. That's 4,417 deaths in peacetime but, of course, who's counting?"

Pray for our brave troops because the cowards are in charge of the pursestrings.


  1. That really puts the incompetence of Clinton's administration, as well as the bias of the MSM into perspective, so you naturally won't hear it on the news...

    Great post, Cube!

  2. there you go again...trying to force the truth on u.s...


    and, what brooke said!

  3. Colon's figures are spun --- she compares all military deaths under Clinton (in his first term, when deaths were higher) to Iraq War deaths under Bush.

    The number of military fatalities dropped dramatically under Clinton, as they had under Reagan and George HW Bush. In 2000, the number of US military deaths was down by more than 500 from the 1993 figure Colon cites.

    The military did a great job in improving the safety of their troops in the 1980s and 1990s, and Colon's piece erases that history to make a propaganda point.

    More details and figures are available here.

  4. Amen!
    Have a wonderful day!
    (=':'=) hugs
    (")_ (")Š from
    the Cool Raggedy one

  5. hi Cube..the article is getting alot of air time too..great!

  6. No pithy comments this time. But, I do wonder: why can't other people stay as well informed? I think they must work at it.

  7. Yeah of course no One Counts the Sacred Bill Clinton Administration loss of soldiers!

  8. So, no US military have died anywhere, or in any circumstance, other than in Iraq since 2003?

    The previous deaths from all causes and in all countries where US military are based (still), including America itself, over a 1000 a year, abruptly stopped? How so?

    That's impossible. Literally.

  9. Yeah, Brooklynite. Black is white and up is down.

    We musn't say anything deleterious about the Clintons. Must tow party line at all costs...

  10. brooklynite: Colon isn't misrepresenting the numbers. They are stately clearly enough. I think her point is that the MSM is editorializing in a biased fashion over the Iraq war military deaths, but didn't say a peep about Clinton's military deaths.

  11. voracious: yes, none are so blind as those who actively and with great vigor, refuse to see.

  12. caz: Of course military deaths happen in peacetime, and are naturally are higher during wartime. Colon's point is that there was no hue & cry from the press when soldiers died during Clinton's administration.
