
Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Dead Head

China Executes Ex-Food And Drug Chief

The ChiComs don't mess around, but I will continue to be wary of their products for the time being.


  1. It is indeed to be cautious, but still... It IS kind of reassuring that this kind of selfish scum had to pay the ultimate penalty for the deaths he caused.

  2. ah yes but me too..veryyyyyyyy wary!

  3. Holy cow...and people here would probably complain about a fine or being fired.

    There has to be more to it, like failing to stop "Jack Bowah" or something...

  4. brooke: Yes, they don't have to deal with crowds of death penalty protesters trying to save the lives of their murderers.

    Execution does serve as a deterrent to murder... the executed will never kill again.

  5. angel: It would behoove all of us to be cautious about purchasing
    Chicom products.

    mcf: lol. This guy is no threat to a guy like Jack Bauer.

    Basically, as FDA head, he took bribes in exchange for approving fake medicines which led to deaths.

    The ChiCom govt. is still reeling from the economic impact of the contaminated pet food scandal a while back. They are in no mood to have their economy messed with.

  6. that's what i call swift justice!

    parehaps we could take a lesson?

  7. I read this yesterday on online news and I just thought to myself, we GOTTA get tough like that here.
    I noticed the Chinese weren't pummeled with news stories about this guy's troubled childhood and any other reasons he did what he did. The guy was a scumbag who was looking out for number one and didn't care who got hurt in the process.
    He caused death and harm, and he paid for it with his life. End of story.

  8. True, this guy was a opportunistic thief and his punishment was meted out swiftly.

    But the ChiComs also swiftly punish and/or execute anyone who disagrees with their propaganda.

    I wouldn't want to live in a place like communist China.

  9. More than that, he was a scapegoat offered up to save "face", AND to hide(attempt to hide) the depths of corruption in the government. Besides you want to talk corruption? Take a long, hard look at their army, they own and run many of the money making companies. ALL the shipping companies are owned by the army...THAT is a scary thought if you contemplate it for a while!
    Good morning, G*D bless and Maranatha!


  10. And his family was made to pay for the bullet!

  11. China has problems with everything from children's toys to the frozen vegetables that they export across the world.

    Be wary, indeed.

    China a good at token symbolic gestures, and for China, another execution is their idea of good PR.
