
Friday, November 16, 2007

Cat Blog Friday

For this Cat Blog Friday...

... a cat butt for CNN to kiss for wimping out at the democrat debate last night and serving up agonizingly easy questions and no follow up.

Happy Friday, everybody!


  1. >^--^< pkaaaaaaaaaak

    no wonder i missed it - it was on the wrong channel - we did, however, watch beck - so all was not lost.

  2. I didn't watch it either. I just caught a bit while channel surfing during a commercial break from Law & Order:SUV.

  3. Cake for Shrillary, huh?

    What a surprise.

  4. Hilarious! I love it! One of my favorite Cat Blog Fridays ever :-)

    I didn't want the debate last night. I guess I didn't miss much?

  5. jen: I didn't watch either, but I've heard plenty. Basically it was softball questions with no follow up. Typical CNN. No surprise.

  6. Hehehe.

    Love your commentary on the photo, Cube!

    Here's mine: "Juan Carlos leaves the room after telling Hugo Chavez, 'Shut up.'"

  7. Through blurred eyes: hmm, my, my, what a generously proportioned kitty, with a tee wee little face.

    Read commentary: "butt"?

    Focus eyes: ah, it really is a butt, not a nose!

    Gave me a giggle.

    Excellent cat for Friday!

  8. Sheesh, you're right Caz!
    I'm lmao here!

  9. Looks about right...
    Good morning, G*D bless and Maranatha!


  10. I hope your weekend has gone well.
    Did you twist any turds??
    Did you make some great shapes and stuff from those turds?
    CNN likes to twist lots of things... including turds.

  11. caz: lol. Presbyopia is no fun. Or maybe you were still half asleep? In either case, glad you liked it.

    kathy: Ditto!

    tmw: Yep.

    j.d.: My weekend was great. I can say it was totally twisted-turd-free. Maybe if they'd included
    a cubular shape... ;-)

  12. These are not debates - just mini speeches!

  13. mother-of-two: Expecially when there is no follow up to a thorny question.

    Lammie Blitzer merely asked Hill if she supported giving drivers licenses to illegals. Hill said, "No.", and Lammie didn't ask her about changing her mind about the issue 6 times before deciding on being against it.

    It's just sickening.
