
Friday, November 16, 2007

Phone Prank

You go Tom Mabe. I would so love to pull this evil prank on the next telemarketer that calls my house at dinner...


  1. imagine snot flyin' out my nose!


    now, if i could laugh that hard about one hour of everyday, i'd have some pretty shapely abs...

  2. Sorry about your keyboard. I should've posted a warning ;-)

  3. That is the funniest thing I've heard in a LONG time! OH, my ribs!

    What Nanc said about the abs!

    I'm DEFINITELY showing this one to the hubby!

  4. i e-mailed it to pop - you should hear me when we get one of those pre-recorded messages...let's just say if there were a real person on the other end, they'd get an earful and i don't use one foul word.

  5. Holy Crap! That's awesome! I wish I was that quick witted on the phone, I never think of anything that cool to say...

    I'm going to send this to my dad, he'll love it.

  6. This is good stuff, cube! My dad will enjoy it as well....

  7. It's fun to turn the tables on telemarketers.

    I love what Jerry Seinfeld did to one on his show.

    He asked the telemarketer for his personal phone number so he could call him at home. The telemarketer balked at this because he didn't want to be called at home.

    "Well, now you know how I feel." Jerry says, and hangs up.


  8. Funniest. Ever. I just made $10 on a bet that he couldn't keep from laughing. Looking for more suckers.

    I think you found a new logo for CNN

  9. jan: The Cat Butt... it certainly fits ;-)
