
Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Big Crowd

The MSM reported huge crowds for Obama's Big Rally in Oregon. They forgot to tell us about the free rock concert that preceeded the event... has the full scoop:

Free Concert By Popular Band Preceded Obama’s Big Rally

If you think you're getting the full story from the MSM, you are as naive as Obama.


  1. I wasn't there, but I read that the weather was very nice too (not a common event in Seattle).

  2. Then no wonder such a big rally,

    Added a free concert

  3. The Midstream Media strikes again, I see.

  4. There you go again, being bitter...

  5. the kids are going to get him elected. And the dopes, of course, who still don't see what an empty suit this guy is.

  6. brooke: The MSM is soooo onboard the Obama express. It's a pathetic display of bias.

    dr. john: Poor, poor bitter-ful me

    z: I hope you're wrong about the election, but there are a lot of morons out there. Me, I can't see how anybody can fall for the vacuous piffle that passes for an Obama speech.

  7. I"m on board the Obama train, but even I thought this was hilarious, the way the media reported the turnout for Obama's speech.

  8. e. peevie: Why are you onboard the train of a such a naive person like Obama? He has very little experience. That's scary in the CEO of our country.

  9. e. peevie: Why are you onboard the train of a such a naive person like Obama? He has very little experience. That's scary in the CEO of our country.
