
Saturday, May 24, 2008


In case you missed it... Hill's 'Assassin'
Talk A Shocker. Excuse For Not Quitting: Hey, RFK Got Shot In June!

Within hours of making the RFK remark, Hillary expressed regret, saying, “The Kennedys have been much on my mind the last days because of Senator Kennedy,” referring to the recent diagnosis of Senator Edward M. Kennedy’s brain tumor. She added, “And I regret that if my referencing that moment of trauma for our entire nation and in particular the Kennedy family was in any way offensive.”


Except she made the same point to Time magazine in March...
Hillary's Bizarre RFK Comment

If I were Obama, I'd watch my back...


  1. It was insensitive, but she had a point. If she gets out now, then she's taking herself out of the game. I can see why she is hanging in there. One never knows what could happen just around the corner. Especially with Obama being as inexperienced as he is. Who knows what mistakes he could make? It's been fun watching them claw for the nomination.

  2. Hi, Jamie..but I don't think Obama has death on a list of things that could happen thru inexperience, except if he forgets to bring security with or something.
    If she took herself out and, God forbid, something DID happen, couldn't they just bring her right back in? I've been wondering about that.z

  3. j.d.: You are being kind when you call her statement insensitive. The Vince Foster conspiracy folks are jumping up & down over this gaffe. I don't think it will go away.

    z: Good question. Common sense tells me that she could be brought right back in as the candidate, but, then again, common sense isn't all that common, so I really don't know for sure.

  4. wishful thinking, hill?

    our forefathers are doing breakdances in their graves.

  5. nanc: Stuff happens. The Clintons know this better than most people.

  6. Hillary does the 'Home Alone' pose. Gotta love it.

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