
Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Double Flyby

From :

Space shuttle Discovery undocked from the International Space Station this morning.

This means many sky watchers will be able to see the two spaceships flying in tandem, separate but closely-spaced points of light beginning tonight.

Double flybys will continue on Thursday and Friday with Discovery returning to Earth on Saturday.

Click for your area's flyby schedule

I'll be watching.


  1. i'll look but it may be too cloudy.


  2. Can you believe that I missed it? Well, I did. I was watching "So You Think You Can Dance" with my daughter and I totally forgot to
    look up at the sky.

    Oh the shame...

    I'll remember tomorrow.

  3. Oh shoot! I missed both this AND SYTYCD. Darn it, and I wanted to vote! I DVR'd it so I'll know what's going on, at least.

    We got a new kitty! We named him Kahless. I thought you would appreciate that. He's a fierce warrior kitty with scars and everything. He's from the shelter, and other than getting on the counters he's fitting in well.

  4. Awesome. I will have a look.

  5. jen: Sweet! Did he come with his own little sword or will you have to join him on a quest?

    kat: I will try tonight... I'll set the alarm.

  6. Apparently he will need to pull out a lock of his hair (fur), dip it in a volcano then quench it in some river and twist it into a bat'leth. From what I've seen so far, I'm not sure he has it in him. He mostly seems to want to eat the dog food...

    I will post a picture soon.

  7. jen: That sounds like an ordeal. Maybe Kahless should skip the quest for the sword ;-)

  8. Thursday night was a flop for me. I couldn't see anything but cloud cover.

    I'll try again Friday night.

  9. the moon got in my way! too bright!

    bright light!

    bright light!

  10. I saw nothing thanks to the overwhelming cloud cover. Florida would pick this time to dump needed rain on us.
