
Thursday, June 12, 2008

Obama's Bus

From The American Thinker comes another gem...

It's Getting Crowded Under Obama's Bus

Here's an excerpt:

"So without further adieu, I give you, ladies and gentlemen, Barack H. Obama -- Columbia University graduate, Harvard Law, President of the Harvard Law Review, and noted American orator:

"Now look, the, the, ah, ah, ah, I mean the uh first of all uh I, I, I am not vetting my VP search committee for their mortgages so you're going have to uh d-direct... Well, nah I mean becomes sort of a... um... I mean this is a game that can be played everybody... It who is tangentially related to our campaign I think is going to have a whole host of relationships. I would have to hire the vetter to uh vet the vetter."


Another bad judgement call. It's becoming a habit.


  1. Man, and fold thought GWB couldn't string a coherent sentence together!

    Funny how the midstream media isn't making fun of Obama or calling him stupid, "chimpy", or a "clown car" candidate, huh?

  2. One gaffe after another is played down. Bad judgement calls after another are played down.

    For a Columbia & Harvard educated man, he sure is a dumbass.

  3. It's hell when that teleprompter isn't working for him. Does he even write his own speeches?

  4. affirmative action strikes again


  5. jan: Obammy has already been implicated in using phraseology from Deval Patrick the disastrous democrat governor of Massachussetts, (Obammy's lame defense what that Deval, his friend, said it was OK to borrow.)
    and copying an old Mario Cuomo speech.

    Obammy is neither overly smart, nor overly original, but hey, he does have hype on his side.

  6. pez: Isn't that how Obammy become president of the Harvard Law Review?

  7. He's so articulate. My leg is tingling.


  8. QQ: I'd get that checked out if I were you ;-)
