
Wednesday, June 04, 2008

First Loser

Clinton's Road to Second Place

The drama continues...

One thing I heard a republican analyst say, Obama asking Hillary to be Vice President is like a couple adopting the Menendez brothers. Not a good idea.

Heh heh. Wish I'd thought of it.



    This should get REAL interesting! thanks, cube! I'm still laughing!

  2. I had to quote you at my blog...and link back here! JUST TOO GOOD! thanks! z

  3. Har, har! Good one, and probably more true than we realize!

  4. About as likely as a RFK/Sirhah Sirhan ticket.

  5. I remember one juror who felt sorry for the Mendendez boys because they were now orphans.

  6. It would definitely be a mistake for Obama to take Hillary on as VP. That would be like taking a ride with the worst backseat driver ever.

  7. i cannot imagine obamamama and her heinous in the same county, much less the same administration. like dropping goldfish into a batch of scrambled eggs.

  8. Funny!

    Also, I posted a poll about this very issue of Obama's chances against McCain with and without Hillary.

    Don't know if you do memes or not, but I tagged you with a friendly little meme on my post this a.m.

  9. Hillary for VP? It will never hapen.
    He can't be that stupid, can he?

    Knowing her, I'd bet that she votes for McCain, so that Obama wouldn't win and she'd be keeping her chances open in 2012

  10. Z: Glad you liked it. Link away!
    I just wish I could remember the name of the republican analyst who said it.

    brooke: If Obama picks Hill as VP, he is a bigger cretin that I ever imagined. My advice if he does, get a food taster. You're going to need one.

    kevin: Yes, bad news for Obama.

    jan: I remember their lawyer acted as though she would adopt them in a minute if she could.

    beckeye: It would be stoopid, but then Obama might not disappoint.

    nanc: Hmmm, dropping goldfish into scrambled eggs. Is that like mayo on frosted flakes?

    e.peevie: I'm a polyhedron who values her privacy, but I'll play along a little bit.

    dd2: I don't think we've plumbed the depths of Obama's stupidity yet. So it's still up in the air.

    It's still possible for Hill to
    hide in the weeds until the convention and perhaps swoop into
    the nomination... if something happens to Obama's candidacy, that is.

  11. I'll be very surprised if he chooses Hillary as his VP.
    I feel in my gut that the more of Obama that people get to know, the more they will flock to McCain.

  12. I think jamie dawn's right; except it kinda shows how left McCain is, when even Obama or Hillary types will veer McC's way once they get to know Obama.
    Maybe that's not too bad, considering what we've got to choose from..and we have to think of the SCOTUS.

  13. j.d.: I basically agree with you, but I also worry about the multitude of stoopids out there that clamor for change without knowing what the change means.

    Z: I hear ya. But imagine what a disaster it would be to let the libs have the House, the Senate AND the White House. We're stuck with McCain.
