
Friday, June 06, 2008

Portly Proboscis

Accused Sept. 11 Mastermind: Guantanamo Sketch Made My Nose Look Too Big

Khalid should be glad I wasn't sketching his nose...

...or picking out his drinking containers ...

Pig Snout Mug


  1. AOW must have one of those mugs.

    Honestly KSM is worried about the way his nose was drawn?

    I think I'd be more worried about my immortal soul, but I guess you'd have to have one first...


    they should've put horns atop his head while they were at it!

    yes, brooke's right - aow would die for that mug!


  3. my mil likes pigs a lot, but I don't think I'll be getting her this mug!


  4. brooke & nanc: Let's do it. Let's arrange to have one sent to her. I know she'll love it.

    bw: You are wise to skip on this one.

  5. Send some to Guantanamo..those muslims will LOVE these pig snout cups!

    Imagine that scum caring how big his NOSE looks? unbelievable. We treat them so cushy at Gitmo, the next thing you know, he'll be wanting a nose job and some American born lib Harvard lawyer will sue for him to GET it and WE'LL pay for it!! (AND the Harvard lawyer, right?!!)

  6. Z: Spot on.

    BTW this asshat, who beheaded Danny Pearl among other atrocities, complained that his nose was too big and the artist wholeheartedly agreed & almost broke a leg running to fix the sketch.

    It makes me sick.
