
Friday, June 06, 2008

I S**t You Not

This is a real product...

Shit Box Lets You Poop Wherever You Are

It's official. I have now seen everything ;-)


  1. this wouldn't be bad for boating or camping.


  2. And for traveling, considering the condition of potties on the road!
    'course you can plant it in the middle of that obnoxious neighbors yard at midnight...


  3. I'm relieved to learn that plastic bags are included.

  4. "Shit box lets you poop wherever you are."
    No shit, cube!

  5. This would have made a great ballot box for the democratic primary!!! Too bad you didn't find it earlier. :)


    it'd be a cold day at the beach before i'd EVER consider pooping in a box when there are so many trees to be fertilized...


  7. I'm too late to make a crappy pun. Alas. I've been beaten to the pun-ch


  8. pez: you are ever practical. It would be handy under some circumstances. Mainly my objection was to the name. Were this my discovery, I would've given it a better name.

    tmw: Oh yeah, I can think of a few ;-)

    jan: But plastic is soooo bad for the environment. Maybe folks should just poop wherever... at least that's natural ;-)

    yhtak: on tihs!!!! ;-)

    papa frank: lol! There's always November 2008.

    nanc: Holy crap, indeed! You are free to poop wherever you like. I'm just pointing out alternative areas of poopification ;-)

    bw: It's never too late for a poopy pun... comon, you can think of something witty ;-)

  9. By the Brown Corporation.

    Of course.

  10. See? Now you're using litter boxes! I knew humans would catch up to us cats!

    Affectionately and OH, so superiorly,


  11. Turns out this isn't so crazy. Mr. Cube tells me we have a plastic seat that fits over a joint compound bucket that serves the same purpose. I really like the disposability of this box better.


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