
Saturday, June 07, 2008

No Wonder

I don't know why, but this struck me as some odd news that I felt like sharing...
Wonder Woman Actress Finds Body On River In D.C

Geez, can't a superhero get some down time?


  1. this is no lie - one of my cousins who fancies himself a "pro bass fisherman" found a dead body in the sacramento river here a few years turned out to be a murder for myself, the only thing i ever found in a body of water was a stolen motorcycle for which i was heartily commended with a plaque and kudos.

  2. I was all excited about this, until I read the part where she doesn't jump into the water to retrieve the body herself, and then weep uncontrollably over the limp and bloated corpse, as she looks up to the heavens and yells "WHY GOD?! WHYYYYYYY?"

    My version is way more awesome.

  3. nanc: You little crime-solver, you. I'm impressed.

    katrocket: lol! Or at the very least use her lasso... or something.

  4. Doesn't everyone fishing on the river in D.C. find a body? With the crime rate of that stark blue city I figured they'd be hiding everywhere. You know - nudge someone on the bench at the bus stop and they just fall on the ground because they were dead. If you need something to prop a door open just drag the closest dead body over. Them leftists sure know how to care for one another.

  5. Dang, Cube, I was going to say she should've used the lasso!

  6. It just figures. Friggin Lois Lane stumbles around following guidance from the voices in her head and GD Wonder Woman is sailing the Potomac alone at midnight! What's Bat Girl doing these days? Hopefully not teaching middle school boys in central Florida!


