
Saturday, June 07, 2008

John McCain Better Read This

The Audacity Of Democrats

Another must read from The American Thinker. I know it's rather long, but it's well worth it.


  1. There was a pre-Lewinsky time, before moral relativism blurred America's vision, when associating with people like Jeremiah Wright and William Ayers would have automatically excluded someone from attaining the highest office in the land. ..I already love it !!!!

  2. That sure WAS a long article, but I agree with much of it.
    I have issues with Bush in that he did not seize opportunities he had early in his presidency. I know he was focusing on fighting terrorism, but I do fault him for not using the Republican majority and his popularity after 9-11 to really set a strong, conservative agenda and get it done. I also am angry with the pansy Republicans in Congress who do not stand strong and promote things such as drilling in for our own oil, building refineries and nuclear power plants and legislating strong laws to promote finding new energy resources.
    Republicans have allowed the left to say outrageous things with little or no response. Manmade global warming is thought to be settled fact, when the truth is it is not settled. John McCain is not conservative enough for me. I would love it if our nominee was a true conservative who could show a stark contrast between himself and Obama.
    People follow Obama like dumb sheep because he gives an inspiring speech. We Republicans need to learn from this and nominate a true conservative who is also an inspiring orator.
    This article really stirred up a lot in me. I am very agitated over all that is taking place and how woefully unaware so many people seem to be.
    God help us and help our country.

  3. angel: I liked this article too, but, in many ways, it was infuriating to read. I felt it was important to read it because
    we must learn from our mistakes so that we don't keep making them.

    j.d.: Ditto! From your comment it seems as though we share the same brain.

    God help us and help our country, indeed!

  4. I heard Rush quote from this article on his Monday show. He was pretty fired up about it.

  5. cube and J.d...that brain's going to get MIGHTY crowded...MOVE OVER.

    God help us and God help our country is right.

  6. Our goose is rapidly becoming charcoal.
    Good morning, G*D bless and Maranatha!


  7. Jamiedawn: You said it all for me too! Totally agree!

  8. J.D. has said for me as well. The Demon-rats/democrats, which in this day is really as stated in the article, just another name for leftist socialism, I fear are about to unleash a black plague upon US and are doing so now that without Gods help, we may never recover.


  9. Just in clarify, in case someone thinks I am being racist by my use of the words "black plague", I am not. My reference to rats and black plague is a reference to the pandemic Bubonic plague that swept Europe in the mid 14th century, spread greatly by rats.

    I just happen to feel that event and the political plague democrats are unleashing have much in common.


  10. br: Relax. I didn't make the connection until you qualified your statement ;-)
