
Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Blog Suits

Rise In Lawsuits Against Bloggers

In order to avoid having to buy bloggers insurance, referred to as media liability insurance, I'll just stick to blogging the facts.


  1. Just do all those things under CUBE on your masthead! You'll avoid any problems!

    This is amazing. Will they be researching Obama's website for lies, too?

  2. I hear ya, Z. Cube it is.

    No, the lightweight Obammy will get his free pass as always.

  3. are you kidding me? he'd disappear.

  4. I think Ann Coulter suggested that Al Gore actually ate Michael Moore.

  5. I blogged about the guy a while back

    click here.

    Everyone seems to love him or hate him. I'm in the middle, for the reasons I mentioned.

  6. Wait until CAIR starts suing bloggers for daring to say that Mo was a pedophile bandito.

    This is a baaaad trend. Even worse is that instead of going after those that make the inflammatory comments, the owner of the blog is targeted. What's to stop folks from commenting anonymously about theirselves, and then suing?

    I sense enormous scam potential.

  7. nanc: lol. Infinite lies lead to negative space.

    jan: heh heh. Ann sure has a way of raising eyebrows.

    dmarks: When it comes to Moore, I'm definitely not in the like category.

    brooke: You've hit the nail on the head. It's the part where they find the blog host responsible for reader comments that really frosts me. As you mentioned, there is great potential for scammage.

  8. i heard michael moore went to a fat farm last year and nearly withered away to a ton...PAHDAH!


  9. Cube: I definitely understand where you are coming from. I still agree with little if any of his politics, nor with his style of presenting them.

  10. You love "Devil in the White City" AND "Hyperion"??? Cool!

  11. I won't talk about others' fat until I get my own bohunkus in shape, but I will say that Moore probably doesn't have rock hard abs.

  12. nanc: OK, that deserves a rimshot!

    dmarks: We can agree to disagree on Moore. IMO he twists the truth around to opportunistically suit his needs.

    Both "DITWC" and "Hyperion" were recent enjoyable reads. Too many books, too little time is my dilemma.

    j.d.: As a long-time reader, you know that I can't pass up the opportunity to make a fat joke about Michael Moore, but it's only because he plays fast & loose with the facts on his crapumentaries, so I figure he & his girth are fair game.

  13. I haven't really disagreed with you yet, concerning Moore.

    The 4 books of "Hyperion" are the other series I call the best science fiction series I have ever read.

  14. damarks: I'm partial to the 6 volumes of Dune myself.

  15. I thought about that, but it is the Dune book I love, more than the sequels. I stopped at "God Emperor" because, to me, each book was 1/2 or 1/4 as good as the one before it.

    Like with the Michael Moore subject, I've already blogged about Dune, including the book with the midget covered in silly putty.

  16. Can we start prosecuting everyone that swoons over Obama then as he's about as worthy of praise as Stalin?

  17. LMAO! HA HA HA!!! That's funny!
