
Sunday, July 06, 2008

No Couch Potato

Lawn-chair Balloonist Drifts From Oregon To Idaho

Kent Couch flew a lawn chair rigged with helium-filled balloons more than 200 miles across the Oregon desert Saturday, landing in a field in Idaho.

That's an exciting way to spend your Fourth of July weekend. I'm glad he didn't kill his fool self.


  1. I particularly like his landing plan of carrying a Daisy Red Rider bb-gun to shoot the balloons with.

  2. i'm no longer curious as to how you can fit a couch into a chair!


  3. papa frank: If he's not careful, he could put his eye out with that thing ;-)

    nanc: At least he's not a couch potato.

  4. This story made the news over here too. *lol* the man is just a little loony. Brave and imaginative, but still loony

  5. That looks like so much frickin' fun! :)

    Just imagine how quiet it must be up there.

  6. rav'n: I agree. Not something I'd do, but I can admire it from afar.

    brooke: Utterly quiet. I had a boss once who used to keep bees for peace & quiet from his family. No one would bother him while he tended the bees. I don't know which hobby I'd be more afraid of...
