
Monday, July 07, 2008


AP Exclusive: US Removes Uranium From Iraq

550 metric tons of yellowcake...

I would like to hear what ex-Ambassador Joe Wilson has to say about that.


  1. Hey, it's just like on Cops... We planted it there to find.


    Funny how LITTLE we've heard about this in the midstream media.

  2. Chemical weapons, yellowcake, and all the stuff that was spirited away in the interminable UN-mandated wait prior to the start of the war.

    No, you won't hear much from the MSM regarding any success in the war. They are all about defeat.

  3. That's not WMDs that's just yellow cake. They must have been saving it up for something entirely non-military. Or so the story will go if anyone even discusses it at all. Sickening!

  4. let them eat yellow cake~!


  5. Where is the big coverage of this? Silence from the big media outlets ...

  6. You know, my son's first band's name was called Yellowcake.

    If they found devil's food cake in Iraq, I bet most Americans would want some.

  7. Even more outrageous to me Cube is you-know-who will likely say nothing about it either, even in his own defense.

    I swear to god if I ever meet the man, I promise I will ask him what the &%?@ he was thinking placing Scott Mc-go-to-hellin as press spokesman. There is someone I long to run into in a dark alley. Only one of us will walk out and it won't be that #&%$?.

    COMMUNICATION dude-it's not just for selling Chinese crap and viagra to old limp &!?^%.

    For cryin out loud how about a little self preservation huh W?


  8. I rate this right up with Madonna's killer cone bras!

  9. wouldn't you THINK the media'd be all OVER Wilson? NO? Oh, that's right....only FOX did a very short bit on this the other day.

    We are living with PRAVDA, folks. Miss Havisham had older cake than this stuff but not nearly as well known, right?........what part of YELLOW CAKE MAKES NUKES does our media not GET?

  10. I made a yellow cake last week. Are they gonna come after me next?


  11. blame Bush and get it over with..LOL

  12. You'd need about 4 tons of yellowcake to make a WMD, and one hell of a big oven.

  13. fj: According to this article in the
    American Thinker:

    "You have a warehouse containing 500 tons of natural uranium; you need 25 kilograms of U235 to build one weapon. How many nuclear weapons can you build? The answer is 142."
