
Monday, July 21, 2008

Vacay Over

Not that many have noticed, but I'm back from vacation in New Hampshire and Cape Cod.

Regular postings should resume once I've recovered...

It's good to be back :-)


  1. I noticed. I missed my Cube fix.

  2. Yeah, I noticed too, but figured you were just REALLY busy.

    I didn't get my Cat Blog Friday Fix, so you owe us two this Friday. ;)

    I hope you had a fantastic time, Cube!

  3. Oh you were on vacation!

    Hope you had a good time, always wanted to one day drive up to New England.

  4. Ya, I noticed. Vacation!? What no wireless!? No network connections!?
    Slackard! ;)

    Your blog is a good drug, but addictive. I don't comment much, but that doesn't mean I don't like to stop by often to enjoy. :)

    Hope you had a good vacation!


  5. jan: Thanks. I missed my jan fix too.

    brooke: I was busy. Busy having fun and busy being terrified by sheer drops off very tall mountains. Yikes!

    I'll see what I can do about the upcoming Cat Blog Friday. Maybe a two-fer ;-)

    shover: Yeah, I didn't want to broadcast it before the fact. For you, New England is a car ride, for us Floridians, it's a freakin' plane ride (which I loathe). News Hampshire is a beautiful state. Well worth the trip.

  6. Was wondering where you went. I guess I can wonder no more.

  7. BR: Thanks for the kind words about The BLOG. And thanks for commenting & not just lurking.

    I took my laptop, but the WIFI was sketchy in the mountains. At times, I had a connection, but I also had 2 daughters & a husband vying for computer time. Let's just say I got a goodly amount of reading done during down time.

  8. edge: Well, thanks for wondering about my absence.

  9. Welcome back home!!! I DID miss you.

  10. well, you know you were missed by me - PKAK! drat, another furball...


  11. welcome back was it!! :)

  12. YYYYAAAAaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!

  13. papa frank: It's nice to be missed.

    jungle mom: Thanks for noticing.

    nanc: Your pkak? on the previous post was duly noted. It warmed my heart.

    woman: Astonishingly beautiful, but heartstoppingly scary at times. I am not a mountain woman! I like guard rails.

    jen: Thanks!

  14. Welcome back from your trip.
    I hope your family had a wonderful time!
