
Friday, August 22, 2008


Friends Of Obama... on ongoing post.

Doesn't have the same ring as F.O.B. (Friends of Bill), but the friends may be more undesirable, especially in the case of radical Weather Underground terrorist Bill Ayers...

Stomping on the American flag in 2001: Bill Ayers: No Regrets

Better yet, watch the video... How Much Do You Know About Obama

This is the same Bill Ayers that founded the Annenberg Challenge on Excellence in Education, the foundation run by none other than Barack H. Obama. The same foundation whose records are being blocked from the public by the University of Illinois Chicago.



  1. Cube! Thanks very much for posting this. Obama is the new pretty-boy of the media and we need to get the truth out as much as possible. Even though I don't think his followers will care one way or the other.
    Keep up the great blogging!

  2. Rezko, Wright, Ayers... The list of bad FOO goes on and on.

    That pic is foul.

  3. reojames: Thank you for the kind words. I agree with you about getting the truth out about Obama and, let me tell you, there is a whole lot of truth out there about BO that is being withheld. Not very democratic if you ask me.

    brooke: The list of bad FOO... that has a nice ring to it. And yes, it is an epic list.

    The pic is foul and so are the images of the bombings in the USA and the cop killings perpetrated by this foul man who has spent his life befouling the educational system of this country. What are we morons?

  4. Do I remember correctly that some of the FOB, friends of the Clintons, ended up bankrupt, in prison or dead?

  5. jan: Yes. It doesn't pay to be a FOB. So far with Obama it's the converse... it doesn't pay Obama to have the radical, left-wing, America-hating, Marxist friends he has.

  6. The only time it pays to have those type of friends is if you can hide it. Apparently Obama missed that day in Politics 101.

  7. He doesn't need to hide them, he just throws them under the bus. He has a very big bus.

  8. thanks for dropping by and your comment on my blog. cheers:)

  9. Like I said before... this stuff just seeps out, but as it does, I believe it makes a difference.
