
Saturday, August 23, 2008

Radical M.O.

From the National Review comes news about Michelle Obama's past...

Michelle, Anti-American Radicals, And U of C

The final paragraph says it best...

"It seems to me that if the mainstream papers like the Post are going to look into Michelle Obama’s work bringing medical care to poor South Side residents, her earlier position and its link to politically radical–even intensely anti-American–community organizers deserves scrutiny as well."

I find the links to the Gamaliel Foundation very interesting.


  1. The media seems to jump on ANY hint of ANYTHING they can about Republicans, while shielding stories that are negative about Dems. It's a shame.
    I remember awhile back when there was speculation about McCain having an affair with someone. It was BIG news, and her picture was all over the news. The Edwards affair has been swept under the rug for a long time, and just recently came out when the lid could no longer be kept on it.
    The same is true about Michelle Obama and anyone else surrounding her hubby. Truth has to seep out, and it is never vigorously pursued. I wish the media would vigorously pursue truth no matter where it is found and who is affects.
    I think Americans are beginning to get a better picture of the Obamas now, and that will help them make an informed decision come November.
    My daughter needs this computer now.
    I gotta go...
    be back soon.

  2. j.d.: Hey stranger, it's good to hear from you again. You're absolutely right about how the MSM picks on the picadillos of the right & puts a strangle hold on those of the left.

    I hope the voters inform themselves, beyond the alphabet news and the daily pravda-esque newspapers, because this news needs to be disseminated to the public.

  3. The Michelle Obama of the democrat convention didn't sound anything like this Michelle Obama. Perhaps her speech was just a tad too well rehearsed? I'm just saying...


  4. الحشرات تكثر الحشرات في الدول العربيّة بسبب ارتفاع درجات الحرارة وارتفاع نسبة الرطوبة في العديد من المناطق التي تطلّ على المسطّحات المائية، وتُسبّب تلك الحشرات والآفات الكثير من الضرر في حال تواجدها في المنازل أو منشآت الأعمال، خاصّةً التي تختصّ بالمنتجات الغذائية، ومن أهمّ المشاكل التي تسبّبها الحشرات في المنازل الأمراض التي تصيب قاطني المنزل خاصّةً الأطفال، والعفونة التي تصيب الأثاث والملابس المحفوظة في الخزائن.

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