
Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Operation Drill Bit

Not that he needs the extra publicity from my little blog, but I heard about this on The Schnitt Show ...

"NEW INITIATIVE: "Drill Nancy" - During the Congressional summer recess, direct all drill bits to Speaker Nancy Pelosi, so her office will be flooded with drill bits when she returns to Capitol Hill.

[Please use padded envelopes, not normal envelopes, we don't want to damage postal equipment]

Mail all Drill Bits to:

The Honorable Nancy Pelosi
H-232, U.S. Capitol
Washington, D.C. 20515

Too lazy, order a drill bit sent in your name -

I love the photo...



  1. That's one way to smooth the old wrinkles.

  2. It brings to mind the villains from Star Trek: Insurrection.

  3. I'm sure cube you're little post here won't even help her sell more books either!

  4. edge: You can only pull so long before you run out... now that's a scary thought. She might just pop one day. Yikes!

    shover: Now there is one reason to be glad that The BLOG has virtually no impact upon the blogosphere ;-)

  5. Hell, I might mail Nancypants two drill bits...

  6. brooke: I'd send her one of Mr. Cube's 8 or 9 drills if I thought it would do any good. That dingbat knows the will of the American people, she just doesn't care.

  7. that image is a photo shopped version of a still from the movie Brazil. I watched Brazil when it was a new movie and I didn't understand it. I watched it again last week and realized that there's really nothing of substance there to understand. Kinda like Pelosi.

  8. darrell: lol. I remember Brazil was set in a dystopic, nanny-state gone wild future... exactly what Pelosi craves for us.
