
Thursday, September 25, 2008

Another F.O.O.

Raise your hand if you would like to vote for Barack Hussein Obama...

With Friends Like This...

Just think of all those nice chats Moudy and Barry could have together.

***involuntary shudder***

One more reason to vote McCain/Palin.


  1. I don’t find it abnormal that Iran would want Obama because overall they view him as a weakness more than an ally...I think.

  2. Being a weakness is almost as good as an ally. Both are exploitable to the nth degree.

    It's not a enviable position for the USA to have a president who, at best, is weak, or, at worst, is on the same page as America haters across the globe.

    Either way, we're screwed.

    I happen to think that NObama absorbed his fair share of "Blame America First" philosopy from his friends & mentors. This is unacceptable to me in a candidate for president.

  3. “I love you all,” he told the audience, who included students from North Central College of Naperville, Illinois, State University of New York at Old Westbury, and Chestnut Hill Academy, an all boys elementary and high school in Philadelphia. “I really feel close to all of you…. I feel I am with very old friends.”

    Um, Hello?!?

    Bueller... Bueller...

  4. brooke: You remember F.O.B. (Friends of Bill)

    F.O.O. stands for Friends of Obama.
    And he's got the worst bunch o'friends I've ever seen.


  5. brooke: lol! Don't be so hard on NObama. He's thoroughly flustered by the McCain/Palin camp.

  6. Look OBambi wants to sit down for a glass of tea with this SOB, so what can we expect?

  7. Huseein should just move to Iran and run for black president there!

  8. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Warning! Warning! Danger! Danger! And that coning from a non-American!

  9. dd2: All the America haters want to see NObama win.

    woman: From your lips to God's ears ;-)

    martin m-y: You are correct. An Obama presidency could be dangerous for the country and the world.

  10. The fun part of this is how he attacked Ahmadinejad when he came to NY, after he said he would meet him. So, he was for him before he was against him. Oh well, I guess it's under the bus for Ahmadi. It's starting to get a little crowded under there.

  11. Obama is the right guy for the job. All of those lies about him will only bring the American people to see the truth.

  12. chuck: NObama doesn't have much executive experience (Wait, he ran the CAC project helping terrorist Bill Ayers with the radicalizing of schools), and zero foreign policy experience... Yikes. he is clearly unqualified for dogcatcher, much less president, but he will do the politically expedient under-bus-toss to hide his lack of qualifications.

    Yes, it must be a bus with a super high undercarriage.

  13. anonymous: Sorry you didn't leave
    your name, but we can still spot you by the Koolaid stains around your mouth.

  14. Cube,

    Sorry but I have to agree with annonymous. Peple with no qualifications are the most right for the job. Unlike chemists who can't teach chemistry students or economists who can't teach economics unless they are "educators." The right people have education degrees( the easiest one to obtain on any college campus!.

    Obama is the right man for the job precisely because he is utterly unqualified for it. So when O-Holes like anonymous gutlessly pipe up with their hogwash about truth and lies etc., it reveals the clarity of which I, and others here, have been riffing on for years: Parasites will put any body in power if it means they can continue to leach off the productive.

    So the truth; Obama's complete resume inflation, lack of any leadership or accountability for his grades, deeds and words = lies.

    His mediocre verbage designed to soothe the savage breast of the lazy mob, the complacent who demand luxuries, the thugs who cry victimhood, is truth!

    It is all so clear now.

    Just joshing ya!

    Obama is a fraud supported by cloying, pernicious, malefactors set upon destroying this country and remaking it as part of a federation of socilaist states where the annointed like he and Michele will have no need to ever redress the grievances of the oppressed for they will be deemed insane and ignored.

    It's all in Saul's book. Alinsky that is!

    Oh and BTW; Hillary, too, is a long time devotee of Alinsky. Keep the truth submerged until you have the power to crush your enemy.


