
Wednesday, September 24, 2008

P.U. Weapon

Israel Unleashes First 'Skunk Bomb'

"The foul-smelling liquid squirted by angry or frightened skunks at their victims was analyzed by Israeli defence scientists and a synthetic version created for use in a weapon they call the "skunk bomb". Fired with great care, and from a respectable range, it is designed to force civilian protesters to disperse."

I wonder just how effective this weapon will prove in the future. I mean, if you used it against Mahmoud Amadinejad, how would he know the difference?



  1. How about we all get some and let the smell out whenever a politician opens their mouths?

  2. I wonder how long it will be before the Palys start crying about 'Zionist cruelty'?

  3. What a great idea! I have never been in a live skunks path, but I know when we have passed one that has been hit by a car, ish what a horrible smell. :)

  4. Too funny, I think it just might work!

  5. hilarious!!! unless you are the one being skunked, i guess. i had a dog get skunked once and it was pretty horrible...brought tears to my eyes just smelling the dog.

  6. although skunk is but a shade less smelly than a pali...j/k, but you get the drift?

  7. cube, I love this. I stopped in this morning, after taking some time off, and where else can you find coverage of Nature, Foreign Leaders, non-History, and Mathematics within three entries?

    I knew there was a reason you were on my blogroll!

  8. jill: Not all politicians are created equally. Some are skunkier than others.

    brooke: A better question is, "When will they stop crying?"
    Waaahhhh is a way of life for them.

    wblmom: I've never been up close & personal with skunk smell. It's always been in the distance for me, thank goodness. I hear it's bad.

  9. annie: Yeah, it was too good to pass.

    mystic m: Yikes. I hear tomato juice is good for skunk... at least that's what I learned from watching The Partridge Family.

    nanc: Caught the drift ;-)

    cary: Woot! I can feel my polyhedron head swelling as I type. Thanks!

    I strive for eclectic... I don't always achieve it, but I always strive.

  10. Does this mean you are becoming cube ... cubed?

  11. cary: lol. or cube to the nth...

  12. I like the way you take news facts and interject your own twist to the end. Found you on wblmom, wanted to let you know I threw some humor back at that Jewish joke comment might want to check it out.

  13. lakelandmom: Thank you and welcome fellow Floridian.
