
Monday, September 22, 2008

Liberal Non-Think

How The Democrats Created The Financial Crisis

If you're in a hurry, here's the gist:

Once upon a time, (actually it was early 2005), and for the first time in history, a serious Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac reform bill was passed by the Senate Banking Committee and it would have required the companies to eliminate their investments in risky assets.

Had that bill become law, then the world today would be different.

But the bill didn't become law, for a simple reason:

Democrats opposed it on a party-line vote in the committee, signaling that this would be a partisan issue. Republicans, tied in knots by the tight Democratic opposition, couldn't even get the Senate to vote on the matter.

Peter J. Wallison wrote at the time: "It is a classic case of socializing the risk while privatizing the profit."

Typical liberal non-think...

Here's my favorite part:

"Oh, and there is one little footnote to the story that's worth keeping in mind while Democrats point fingers between now and Nov. 4: Senator John McCain was one of the three cosponsors of S.190 , the bill that would have averted this mess."

Vote McCain/Palin in 2008

It's a start.

Then, let's vote out the liberals wherever we find them just as soon as we can.

[The BLOG note: photo via ]


  1. Why do you people always confuse Liberals with the Far Left? Why do you draw inane conclusions about Liberals based on their extremists?

  2. I love the little che in the brain.

    I think that repubs and dems have equal share in the blame. The MACs are just a place for old pols to retire and make $$ hand over fist.

    and what's with broadband internet being a right? Where the heck is that in the constitution. Bad McCain. Rub his nose in it.


  3. Cube,

    Good point. Must have hit a nerve as you already have an astroturfer responding.

    There is no confusing liberalism with "the Far Left." Except by means of subterfuge by the far left!

    Progressive is another gutless euphemism employed to distract dupes from the truth. Socialism is another.

    They are all confiscators of privately earned assets in order to ingratiate themselves with the "down trodden" to gain power from which they then insure, through manipulation of laws and language, to never lose power.

    Hate speech, fairness doctrine, middle class tax cut, all crap.

    It, Communism, is what Obama is.

    So to be clear: Liberal = the far left = socialist = communist.

    The similarity among them all is that they are too gutless to admit openly they will take our guns, indoctrinate our children, nationalize private property and all the well known totalitarian practices because there aren't enough outright parasites to vote for them if they are truthful about their intentions.

    They need the addition of productive yet gullible and easily spooked dupes: seniors stampeded into thinking their social security will be canceled or they will have to eat dog food to pay for their meds. Gays will be forced into concentration camps, Blacks made slaves, Latin Americans deported and on and on.

    So they flood the internet with phony "news" and pretend to be on the fence but turn left because: "this negative campaigning crossed the line" or "We confuse liberal with the far left."

    I, by contrast, will tell you Obama is a traitor. His supporters are the enemy of the half of this country that is productive and aware and the other 25% that will only vote for a communist rat bastard if they are duped by a massive media operation. One designed to undermine the election by glamourizing the most empty of suits ever to run for dog catcher while using phony "grass roots" to spread rumors about McCain and Palin. Oh!

    No confusion at all my "friend."

    Liberal is left wing is socialist is communist.


    6:15 PM

  4. Why are conservatives not screaming about this piece of legislation from every hill across the land?

  5. DO NOT try to confuse a libtard with THESE facts!

    this means the government will own homes financed through these failed institutions they're bailing out - and we thought eminent domain was bad? at least one could fight eminent domain.


    Heeheee, HAR! *snort*

    Man, that was good!

  7. Welcome to the U.S.S.A., where no one gets too much profit and no one can loose.

    Except the taxpayer, on the latter.

  8. virgomonkey: By chance, when you say 'we people' do you mean bitter, gun-totin', bible thumpers?

    In answer to your question... we people 'confuse' liberals with the far left because, in case you haven't noticed, the democrat party has been hijacked by the loony moonbat left of left extremists. Look at the leadership of your party. It would make John F. Kennedy roll over in his grave.

    Does that help?

  9. bw: Nope. Nope. Nope. As a person who is as well acquainted with science as I know you are, you should know better than to try to invoke equivalency in this case.

    The ties to Clinton & the democrats is solid on this problem. The republicans are on the fringe, if involved at all.

    Nice try.
