
Friday, October 10, 2008

Cat Blog Friday

For this Cat Blog Friday...

... not your average dog bites cat story, but a full-fledged cat eating festival held annually in Peru.

Fury Over Cat-Eating Festival

PETA is up at arms, but they get worked up over eating cows, pigs, chickens, et al, so why should cats be any different?

Me loves them kitties too much to eat them, that's why.

Happy non-cat-eating Friday, everybody!


  1. I would not recommend it. Cats have a strange after taste. Kittens arnt that bad though. A little paprika and olive oil, BAM!

  2. My cat scared a very large dog out of the yard while my four dogs watched.

  3. That is awful, what is wrong with people. Poor kitties.

  4. tastes like chicken. Or, Henny Penny as the article says.


  5. leslie t: Yeah, older cats would be a might stringy.

    jan: lol! That cat's a keeper.

    nancy: A festival dedicated to eating cats sounds weird to me.
    Sort of like an Oktoberfest only with cats... Gato-berfest?

  6. i have to stay away from CUBE on Fridays...Cat day makes me miss Marcello and Musetta waaaay too much! (I need some new cats, I know. But I WANT THEM BACK)!! happy weekend, Cube!

  7. My kids have three cats that at times I would offer up. Just joking, sort of.

  8. bw: Yeah, Honey Bunny, Doggie Woggie, Myrtle Turtle... apparently they all taste like chicken.

    Z: I can relate. I, too, have memories of wonderful cats that I miss terribly, but I find that my new cats have much to share as well.

    chuck: Of course. These mischievious creatures all have their moments when we'd... well, you know ;-)

    wally b: Sometimes they're interchangable with Obama voters.

  9. goss UK: I feel your pain.

  10. goss UK: I feel your pain.

  11. I hate these stupid hiccups.

  12. I hate these stupid hiccups.

  13. that picture is too funny ... struggling to come up with a clever comment including the words pussy and eating in it ... alas ...

  14. One of my cats is seriously making me consider frying him up with a little rice right now...

    You know how that goes! ;)

  15. blankshooting: Good. This blog is G-rated.

    brooke: It's not Jack, is it? Say it isn't Jack. I thought he was a good boy.

  16. Jack couldn't be a better cat if he sprouted wings! LOL!

    Nah, it's Puch. After having no problems since we adopted him, he's got a sudden obsession with running out the door. I swear, I can't even get a sack of groceries in without him bolting.

    He gets out, rolls around under the car and shed, yowls into the window but won't let you pick him up to bring him back in until he's missed a couple of meals.

    By then, he's so dirty that I have to later, rinse and repeat while he fights me like a rabid bear. He then hides until he's dry, eats a meal, and we're at it again.

    He's done this five times in the last month.

    I guess once winter rolls around and we're having high temps in the mid 20's he'll stop. I hope.


  17. brooke: Sounds like you have your hands full. There is nothing so single minded as a determined cat.

    There is no way we can keep our cats indoors all the time. We let them go in & out as they please.

    And they clean themselves. I wouldn't even attempt to bathe them unless they were covered in oil or something worse.

    Highs of 20 degrees? Yikes. If Puch is smart, he'll stay where it's nice & toasty warm.

  18. Puch always makes it a point to rub up beneath the car.


    I finally got him yesterday. He was too tired and hungry to run off, and apparently he got into a spat with another cat. His left eye was swollen and he had a scratch over his eye, under his ear and on the pad of his front foot.

    When we adopted him, he didn't have claws, so it's not a good thing for him to be out; he can't defend himself or catch food. I imagine he must've ran like hell after that fight with the neighbor cat!

    Once the poor guy dried off, he's been velcro-super-affectionate cat.

  19. brooke: Poor little Puch and poor you. It's tough keeping those single-minded critters inside when they want out.
